Board of Directors


The Canadian Co-operative Wool Growers Limited is a producer owned Co-operative involved in the collection, grading and marketing of the Canadian wool clip to domestic and global markets. The Co-op also operates a large network of outlets and dealers for farm supplies and wool clothing.

The Canadian Co-operative Wool Growers Limited Board of Directors is comprised of 11 directors from across Canada who each serve alternating two year terms. An executive committee is then elected annually from within the Board of Directors, by the Board of Directors.

Any shareholder interested in a director position is required to file a nomination ballot signed by three shareholders from the provincial sub district in which they reside. A minimum of 100 lbs of wool is required to have been sent to the Co-operative in the previous year. Copies of our corporate bylaw, nomination ballot and your provincial sub district shareholder list, are available upon written request from the Canadian Co-operative Wool Growers Limited, Box 130, Carleton Place, Ontario, K7C 3P3.

All nomination ballots must be received at Head Office by June 30th.

La Coopérative canadienne Wool Growers Limited est une coopérative appartenant à des producteurs et impliquée dans la collecte, le classement et la commercialisation de la laine canadienne sur les marchés  Candien et inernationaux. La coopérative exploite également un vaste réseau de points de vente et de revendeurs de fournitures agricoles et de vêtements en laine.

Le conseil d'administration de la Canadian Co-operative Wool Growers Limited est composé de 11 administrateurs partout au Canada qui exercent chacun un mandat alterné de deux ans. Un comité exécutif est ensuite élu annuellement au sein du conseil d'administration, par le conseil d'administration.

Tout actionnaire intéressé par un poste d'administrateur est tenu de déposer un bulletin de nomination signé par trois actionnaires du sous-district provincial dans lequel ils résident. Un minimum de 100 lb de laine doit avoir été envoyé à la Coopérative au cours de l'année précédente.
Des copies de nos statuts corporatifs, du bulletin de vote et de la liste des actionnaires de votre sous-district provincial sont disponibles sur demande écrite auprès de la Canadian Co-operative Wool Growers Limited, boîte 130, Carleton Place, Ontario, K7C 3P3.

Tous les bulletins de vote doivent être reçus au siège social avant le 30 juin.


  Become a Shareholder - sign up form  


   Nomination Ballot  




The following Canadian Co-operative Wool Growers Limited directors’ term of office will expire in 2024.

All nomination ballots must be received at Head Office by June 30th.


La durée du mandat des directeurs de la Canadian Co-operative Wool Growers Limited, notée ci-dessous, prendra fin en 2024.

Tous les bulletins de mise en candidature doivent être reçus au siège social pour le 30 juin.


 Nomination Ballot


CCWG Director Elections 2024 - Results

  • British Columbia - Barbara Ydenberg - (acclaimed 2 year term 2025-26)
  • Alberta South /Sud - Vacant
  • Saskatchewan South / Sud - Larry Kennedy - (acclaimed 2 year term 2025-26)
  • Ontario East / Est - Reggie Campbell - (acclaimed 2 year term 2025-26)
  • Quebec East / Est - Vacant
  • Quebec West / Ouest - Vacant




Current Board of Directors


Ruth Mathewson
989 Upper Brookside Rd
Central North River, NS B6L 6W6





West / Ouest



East / Est




North / Nord

Arlette Seib  1st Vice President
Box 6 Watrous, SK S0K 4T0

South / Sud

Larry Kennedy
Box 31 Shamrock SK S0H 3W0


West / Ouest

Allan Ribbink   President
2599 Bruce Rd 15 Tiverton ON N0G 2T0

East / Est

Reggie Campbell  2nd Vice President
630 Glenashton Rd Ashton ON K0A 1B0


North / Nord

John Woodburn
Box 565 Grimshaw AB T0H 1W0
780-332-4481 Cell: 780-618-4950

South / Sud



British Columbia

Barbara Ydenberg
27382 84 Ave Langley BC V1M 3L4




CCWG Director Elections Results 2023

  • Alberta North / Nord - John Woodburn - (acclaimed 2 year term 2024-25)
  • Saskatchewan North / Nord - Arlette Seib - (acclaimed 2 year term 2024-25)
  • Manitoba - Morgan Moore - (acclaimed 2 year term 2024-25)
  • Ontario West / Ouest - Allan Ribbink - (acclaimed 2 year term 2024-25)
  • Québec East / Est - Vacant
  • Quebec West / Ouest - Vacant
  • Atlantic - Ruth Mathewson - (acclaimed 2 year term 2024-25)

CCWG Director Elections Results 2022

  • British Columbia - Barbara Ydenberg  (elected 2 year term 2023-24)
  • Alberta South /Sud - Vacant
  • Saskatchewan South / Sud - Larry Kennedy (acclaimed 2 year term 2023-24)
  • Ontario East / Est - Reggie Campbell (acclaimed 2 year term 2023-24)
  • Quebec East / Est - Vacant

CCWG Director Elections Results 2021

  • Alberta North / Nord - John Woodburn - (acclaimed 2 year term 2022-23)
  • Saskatchewan North / Nord - Arlette Seib - (acclaimed 2 year term 2022-23)
  • Manitoba - Morgan Moore - (acclaimed 2 year term 2022-23)
  • Ontario West / Ouest - Allan Ribbink - (acclaimed 2 year term 2022-23)
  • Québec East / Est - Vacant
  • Quebec West / Ouest - Vacant
  • Atlantic - Ruth Mathewson - (acclaimed 2 year term 2022-23)

CCWG Director Elections Results 2020

  • British Columbia - Roma Tingle - (acclaimed 2 year term 2021-22)
  • Alberta South /Sud - Allison Preston - (elected 2 year term 2021-22)
  • Saskatchewan South / Sud - Larry Kennedy - (elected 2 year term 2021-22) 
  • Ontario East / Est - Reggie Campbell - (elected 2 year term 2021-22)
  • Quebec West / Ouest - David Mastine  - (acclaimed 2 year term 2021-22)
  • Quebec East / Est - Vacant

CCWG Director Elections Results 2019

  • Alberta North / Nord - John Woodburn - (elected 2 year term 2020-21)
  • Saskatchewan North / Nord - Arlette Seib - (elected 2 year term 2020-21)
  • Manitoba - Morgan Moore - (elected 2 year term 2020-21)
  • Ontario West / Ouest - Allan Ribbink - (acclaimed 2 year term 2020-21)
  • Québec East / Est - Vacant
  • Atlantic - Ruth Mathewson - (acclaimed 2 year term 2020-21)

CCWG Director Elections Results 2018

  • British Columbia - Roma Tingle - (acclaimed 2 year term 2019-20)
  • Alberta South /Sud - Warren Moore
  • Saskatchewan South / Sud - Ward Harden - (acclaimed 2 year term 2019-20)
  • Ontario East / Est - Gary Fox  - (re-elected 2 year term 2019-20)
  • Quebec West / Ouest - David Mastine 
  • Quebec East / Est - Vacant

CCWG Director Elections Results 2017

  • Alberta North / Nord - John Woodburn - (acclaimed 2 year term 2018-19)
  • Saskatchewan North / Nord - Lee Sexton - (acclaimed 2 year term 2018-19)
  • Manitoba - Brian Greaves - (acclaimed 2 year term 2018-19)
  • Ontario West / Ouest - Allan Ribbink - (acclaimed 2 year term 2018-19)
  • Québec East / Est - Vacant
  • Atlantic - Ruth Mathewson - (acclaimed 2 year term 2018-19)