Dorset Sheep - Polled
Polled Dorset Sheep Breeders listing & info
The Polled Dorset originated from a mutation of the Horned Dorset which occurred at North Carolina State University in the early 1950's. They were accepted into the US breed registry in 1956 and since that time have spread into Canada and become a major contributor to the commercial lamb industry. Dorset ewes are relatively prolific, good mothers and breed out of season. The breed adapts well to confinement and is readily used in accelerated crossbreeding programs. As they respond well to confinement, they do well under feedlot conditions and on small holdings with intensive management.
La Dorset acorne se originó de una mutación de la Dorset con cuernos que ocurrió en la Universidad del estado de Carolina del Norte a inicios de la década de 1950. Fue aceptada en el registro racial de los EUA en 1956 y desde ahí se ha difundido a Canadá y vuelto un contribuidor mayor para la industria comercial del cordero.
Las hembras Dorset son relativamente prolíficas, buenas madres y se reproducen fuera de estación. La raza se adapta bien al confinamiento y es fácilmente usada en programas de cruzamiento acelerado. Ya que responden bien al confinamiento, producen bien en condiciones de estabulación y en pequeñas extensiones con manejo intensivo.
General Appearance - Medium sized sheep; good body length & muscle conformation. Head is well covered with wool on the poll & under jaws. Open, smooth face & muszzle is moderatley broad, medium length; pink nose.
Characteristics of Polled Dorset Sheep
90 - 125 kg
Rams / Béliers
55 - 90 kg
Ewes / Brebis
175 %
Lamb/Ewe Percentage / Pourcentage d’agnelage
Bright white, dense
Fleece / Qualité de la toison
27 - 33 kg
Weight / Poids
7 - 10 cm
Staple Length / Longueur de fibre
27 - 33
Micron Count / Micron
Polled Dorset Sheep Breeders listing
- 4S Maple Lane Farm, Kim Schneider
- 1625 Regional Rd 6 Seagrave ON
- 905-404-7811 [email protected]
- Atkinson Acres, Tracey & Brian Atkinson
- 5582 Conc 6 New Lowell, ON L0M 1N0
- Tel/Fax: 705-424-2879 [email protected]
- Becker Farms
- RR 1 Alma, ON
- 519-638-2531 cell 519-831-5417 [email protected]
- Bergerie Vert-Laine, Antoine & Gaston Lieutenant
- RR 1 Alma, ON
- 519-638-2531 cell 519-831-5417 [email protected]
- Bob-Lo Farm, Lois & Robert Gunn
- RR 8, Owen Sound, ON N4K 5W4
- 519-371-3956
- Bond Vale Farm, Gary & Tara Reynolds & Family
- 5090 8th line Beeton, ON L0G 1A0
- Tel/Fax: 905-729-2325 [email protected]
- Briar Glen Farm, Alan & Marilyn McCorkindale
- 6577 Tideview Rd., Sooke, BC V9Z 1A6
- 250-642-2915 [email protected]
- Brien Dorests & Texels, Gary, Luanne, Lee & Sarah Brien
- 12479 Ridge Line, Ridgetown, ON N0P 2C0
- 519-674-3846 cell 519-809-3846
- Carpathian land & Livestock, Andrew & Erin Yaremko & Family
- Box 824 St Paul AB T0A 3A0
- 780-210-0480
- Cedar Grove Farm, Quintin & Rachel McEwen
- Monkton ON
- 519-949-4130 [email protected]
- Century Lane Farm, Shirley & Rob Graves & Family
- 8647 Flewellyn Rd, Ashton, ON K0A 1B0
- 613-447-2656 [email protected]
- Circle R Livestock Ltd., Ryan & Romy Schill
- 7489 4th Line RR 2 Wallenstein ON N0B 2S0
- 519-669-4146
- CoCo Creek Farm, Mark & Marjorie Anderson
- 783 Ward's Creek, NB E4E 4V5
- 506-433-1423 506-512-0060 [email protected]
- Country Strong, Marshall & Sarah James
- 613-451-2042
- [email protected]
- Corder Maple Farm, Ian Corley & Family
- 3114825 Hwy 6 Mount Forest, ON
- 519-321-1003
- Comfort Sheep, David, Shauna & Adam Comfort
- 3928 Regional Road 69 St. Ann's, ON, L0R 1Y0
- 905-933-5487 [email protected]
- Counting Sheep Family Farm, Keith, Bobbi & Mason Heaton
- RR 1 White Lake, ON K0A 3I0
- 613-432-7373 [email protected]
- Coyote Acres, Patric Lyster & Lorri Nelson
- Box 24 Halkirk AB T0C 1M0
- 403-884-2625 [email protected]
- Cursio Farms, Frank & Caitlin Cursio
- 285522 Artemesia Southgate Townline, Proton Station, ON N0C 1L0
- 519-766-3012 [email protected]
- Jim & Wendy Driscoll
- 7832 12th line Rd Alma ON N0B 1A0
- 519-638-5703 [email protected]
- Driscoll's Dorsets, Mike & Cindy Driscoll
- Box 916, Elora, ON N0B 1S0
- 519-846-9445 [email protected]
- Egalacres, Karl & Jan Stewart
- RR 2, Beeton, ON, L0G 1A0
- 905-729-2627 Fax: 729-2628
- Edymore Dorsets, Gordon Fulton & Geri McNeil
- Box 1, Site 9, RR 1 Bowden, AB T0M 0K0
- 403-224-3753 Fax: 224-2729 [email protected]
- Ewetopia Farms, Lynn & Arnie Droogh
- 3606 6th Conc Joyceville, ON K0H 1Y0
- 613-532-3937 [email protected]
- Ferme Feber
- 174 Route 291 Sud Saint-Hubert-de-Rivière-du-Loup, QC G0L 3L0
- 418-497-2146 [email protected]
- Ferme Woodstock, Robert Mastine & Nathalie Marchand
- 351 Rang 3 St-Félix de Kingsey, QC J0B 2T0
- 819-848-2147 Cell 578-0063 [email protected]
- Flying Dirt Acres
- 4073 Cariboo Hwy 97N Cache Creek, BC V0K1H1
- 250-457-1718 [email protected]
- Bill & Judy Geddes
- RR 4, Kincardine, ON, N2Z 2X5
- 519-395-2218 519-395-5951
- Granite Forest Farm, Derek Paauw & Laura McRae
- 2401 5th line E Campbellford, ON
- 705-868-2697 [email protected]
- Green Glen Farm, William & Cindy Van Duin
- 3110 Alberni Hwy Qualicum Beach, BC V9K 1X3
- 250-752-2220 Fax: 752-0700 [email protected]
- Heathbell Farm, Alan & Joanne Brothers
- RR 2 Scotsburn, NS B0K 1R0 9
- 902-485-4609 [email protected]
- Lakeview Woolies, Kate Brenchley
- Box 328, Big Valley, AB T0J 0G0
- 403-876-2226 fax:876-2266 [email protected]
- Linden Crest Farm, Lois Brown & Manfred Zillig
- 976 North River Rd, Hants Co., Scotch Village, NS B0N 2G0
- 902-757-2928
- Lone Pine Farm, Steven & Susan Mastine & Family
- 661 Denison Rd., Danville QC, J0A 1A0
- 819-848-2454 819-848-1171
- Lyndee Acres, Lloyd & Betty Deeks
- 2920 Power Line Rd., Lynden ON, L0R 1T0
- 519-647-3772
- Maple Meadow Farms, Colleen Acres, Dwayne Bazinet & Family
- 6830 Belmeade Rd., Osgoode, ON K0A 2W0
- 613-826-2330 [email protected]
- McDermit Ranch, Randy, Jelaine & Logan McDermit
- Box 427 Southey, SK S0G 4P0
- 306-726-4447 [email protected]
- Moonshine Dorsets, Stan & Martine Forsyth
- Box 756 Alix AB T0C 0B0
- 403-788-2986
- Morninville Colony, John & Albert Wurz
- 56422 Hwy 44 Sturgeon County AG T8R 0H3
- John 780-818-9634 Albert 780-691-3423 [email protected]
- Mountain View Farms, Gordon & Yvonne Blankstein
- 8011 - 240th St Langley BC V1M 3P9
- 604-603-0092 [email protected]
- Bert Nieuwenhuis
- RR 7 Orangeville, ON L9W 2Z3
- 519-941-0479 or 941-1915 [email protected]
- Pinnacle Haven Farm, Tyler & Shanna Armstrong & Family
- 865 Garden of Eden Rd, Renfrew, ON
- 613-433-8255 [email protected]
- Rising Oak Farm, Laura Gratrix
- 121 Conc Rd 11 West Tiny, ON
- 705-305-9275
- Rising Sun Sheep, Betty Jane Koehler
- 3061 Neffs-Laury's Rd, Schnecksville, PA 18078 USA
- 610-799-2235 [email protected]
- Robson Acres, Laura Robson
- 1679 Zion Line, Millbrook, ON L0A 1G0
- 705-932-3216 Fax: 932-2895 [email protected]
- Rocky Lane Farm, Bob & Gail Irvine
- RR 4, Peterborough, ON, K9J 6X5
- 705-292-7207 Fax: 292-0460 [email protected]
- Shamrock Show Sheep, Brianna Hiltz
- 46 Parker Condon Rd Berwick North NS B0P 1E0
- 902-300-6087 902-844-0371 [email protected]
- Shereff Stock Farms, Jeff & Sheri Bieganski
- Carberry, MB
- 204-834-2986 cell:204-761-2440 [email protected]
- Skysta Farm, Gordon & Sonia Ebl
- RR 1 Condor AB T0M 0P0
- 403-392-7481 [email protected]
- Somerset Farm, Peter Hyams
- Eldorado, ON
- 613-473-5244
- Stonehedge Farms, John & Lorraine Ashby
- 4431 Ashby Rd, RR 2 Prescott, ON K0E 1T0
- 613-925-5778 [email protected]
- Stonehill Sheep, Glen & Judy Porteous
- RR 1 Chatsworth ON N0H 1G0
- 519-794-4549 [email protected]
- Stonehill Sheep, Tina Harrington & Paul Dick
- RR 4 Chatsworth ON N0H 1G0
- 519-794-3732 [email protected]
- Tall Oaks Farm, Don & Marilyn Emke
- 421660 Conc 6 NDR lmwood, ON N0G 1S0
- 519-364-2149 [email protected]
- Thistlestone Farm, Keith & Mary Lamont
- 5074 Erin 4th line Acton, ON, L7J 2L8
- 519-853-1975 [email protected]
- Woolfitt Acres
- Olds, AB
- 403-556-1402
- Wooly Acres, Tom Hutchinson
- RR 2, Indian River, ON, K0L 2B0
- 705-639-1259
If you wish to see your farm listed on this page, please contact us.