Honorary Knights of the Golden Fleece

is given for

Notable Service and Outstanding Contribution to
Canadian Co-operative Wool Growers Limited
and to Agriculture in Canada.

Col. Robert McEwen, March 25th 1937

Christian Jensen, March 30th, 1950

George E. O’Brien, March 25th, 1964

W. H. Jaffray Tisdale, March 25th, 1965

John Wilson Jr., April 2nd, 1970

John C. Ross, April 5th, 1979

Lalovee R. Jensen, March 27th, 1980

Robert W. Shopland, April 14th, 1984

Newton G. Bennett, April 25th, 1987

Lloyd Ayre, May 1st, 1993

A. Russell Simpson, May 28th, 2005

John D. Balderson, October 18th, 2014