The Tunis sheep originated from Tunisia in North Africa and was imported into the US in 1799.
The breed was popular in the south until almost eliminated during the Civil War.
The Tunis is medium sized with a red or tan face and legs, pendulous ears, no wool on the head and legs, polled and a medium sized fat tail.
They are fairly prolific, good mothers / milkers and produce a medium wool fleece.
175 - 225 lbs
Rams / Béliers
130 - 160 lbs
Ewes / Brebis
? %
Lamb/Ewe Percentage / Pourcentage d’agnelage
Fleece / Qualité de la toison
8 - 12 lbs
Weight / Poids
Staple Length / Longueur de fibre
26 - 31
Micron Count / Micron
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