Wool Judging Courses


Wool Judge School - August 19-20, 2023

Binbrook Fairgrounds, Binbrook, ON

Instructor: Certified wool judge - Susie Gourlay (@knitnatural)

This in-depth course is for anyone who is interested in becoming a certified Wool Judge OR anyone who wants to advance their understanding of wool characteristics for use in their fibre craft.

This course runs Saturday and Sunday and is $200 plus $40 for materials.

Maximum of 20 participants.

To register or for more information email: [email protected]



Wool Quality Improvement, Classing and Grading with Lisa Surber

The Pembina Fibreshed, Manitoba Fibre Festival and Spirit Sands Shepherds is pleased to host Lisa Surber for a weekend hands on workshop on wool including these topics:

Wool science & quality 
Wool Classing and grading
Using wool testing technology to improve your wool clip
Factors influencing wool price
Adding Value to your wool
Workshop Details
Saturday, April 4     9am - 4pm   Carberry Community Memorial Hall (224 Second Ave, Carberry, MB)
Sunday, April 5   1pm - 5pm   Spirit Sands Shephers Shearing Barn (Carberry, MB)


Wool Judging Certification Course, Levels 1 & 2 

Visit Manitoba Fibre Festival website for more details

In 2018 we are offering both Level 1 and Level 2 of the certification program
Level 1: September 12 – 13, 2018
Level 2: September 13 – 14, 2018

Red River Exhibition Place, Mezzanine Level, 3977 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba

Instructor:  Susie Gourlay 
Wool is one of two major products derived from sheep.  It comes in many forms, from fine, medium and long wool, all the way to specialty wools.  The wool from each breed has unique characteristics and unique uses. Evaluating wool requires that we look at several parts of the fleece to determine both the best characteristics as well as the degree of fault.


During this 1 ½ day course, participants will study the characteristics of the four groupings of wool, learn to recognize various faults, come to understand scoring methods and undertake practice judging and scoring. This is a valuable course for anyone producing, selling, or working with wool.

Wednesday  September 12, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Thursday September 13, 9:00 am – noon  

Cost: $225  — includes an extensive manual, wool samples, and handouts
Register: Manitoba Fibre Festival 
Payment: Pay $225 by paypal or via etransfer to [email protected]. A confirmation email will be sent once your payment is received.


The aims of Level 2 of the Wool Judging Certification course are to continue examining the characteristics of wool, identify faults and flaws, to develop a systematic, efficient judging routine as well as being able to objectively evaluate the wool for dimensional (fibre diameter, length and strength), quantitative (clean fibre yield) and subjective (handle and purity) qualities. There will be written and practical evaluations; successful students will receive a certificate.

Prerequisite: Completion of Wool Judging Certification, Level 1

Thursday September 13, 1:00 – 5:00 pm
Friday September 14, 9:00 am – noon

Cost: $175
Register: Manitoba Fibre Festival
Payment: Pay $175 by paypal or via etransfer to [email protected]. A confirmation email will be sent once your payment is received.

For more information contact: Gerry Oliver phone 204-834-2261 email [email protected] or Margaret Brook  [email protected]
This class is made possible by the generous support of: Canadian Cooperative Wool Growers & Red River Exhibition Association


supreme champion fleeceThis is a great opportunity for anyone who wants to learn more about the qualities of wool -- anyone who raises sheep, sells fleeces, or works with wool. 


Wool Judging Course, Level 1 - Part 1 of a 2-part certification program

The Manitoba Fibre Festival is please to announce that we are hosting a wool judging course in September, just before the Festival. 

Date: September 14-15, 2017 
Location: Red River Exhibition Park, 3977 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Instructors:  Susie Gourlay and Val Fiddler
Contact: Gerry Oliver [email protected] or Margaret Brook [email protected] 




Manitoba Wool Judging course participants for 2017

MB wool judging course for 2017