Fleece Competitions


2024 Fleece Competition held June 1, 2024 at the Blue Hills Fibre Festival, Carberry, MB. 
A new high of 28 fleeces were entered, many first-time competitors. 
The results include:

Grand Champion - Spiritsands Shepherds, Carberry, MB - Wensleydale cross coloured
Reserve Champion - Leaf Haven Shetlands, Winnipeg, MB - Shetland

Fine Wool
1st - Graham Rannie, Binscarth, MB - Rambouillet
2nd- Graham Rannie, Binscarth, MB - Rambouillet
3rd - Graham Rannie, Binscarth, MB - Rambouillet

Down Wool
1st - Janice Johnson, Binscarth, MB - Border Cheviot
2nd - Janice Johnson, Binscarth, MB - Border Cheviot
3rd - Lundgren Farms, Glenora, MB - Clun x 

Long Wool
1st - Spiritsands Shepherd - Wensleydale x Romney coloured 
2nd - Spiritsands Shepherds - Wensleydale x 
3rd - Spiritsands Shepherd - Wensleydale x 

1st - Leaf Haven Farms , Winnipeg, MB - Shetland coloured
2nd - Shirley Harvey, Pipestone, MB - Navaho Churro
3rd - Mia Michalchuk, Russell, MB - Jacob

Sponsors for the competition and festival included Canadian Cooperative Wool Growers, MB Sheep Association and Austin Woollen Mills.



2019 Manitoba Fibre Festival
Fleece Competition Results:

Supreme Champion 

  • Spiritsands Shepherds, Carberry, MB - Coloured Longwool 

Reserve Champion 

  • Spiritsands Shepherds, Carberry, MB - Fine Wool

Fine Wool - White 

  • 1st - Spiritsands Shepherds, Rambouillet 

Coloured Fine Wool

  • 1st - Spiritsands Shepherds, Romeldale 

White Down

  • 1st - Leah Bouchard, MB - East Friesen 

Coloured Down 

  • 1st - Cristel Lanthier, MB - Rideau Arcott 

White Longwool 

  • 1st - Spiritsands Shepherds, Carberry, MB - Cotswold 

Coloured Longwool

  • 1st  - Spiritsands Shepherds, Carberry, MB - Wensleydale X 

Specialty Wool

  • 1st - Margaret Brook, Winnipeg, MB - Shetland 


1st  - Prairie Edge Wool Farm, Kleefeld, MB

Judge - Susie Gourlay, Regina, SK
Sponsor - CCWG Limited


All Canada Sheep Classic - Fleece Competition results


Olds College Fibre Week - July 5th - 11, 2019  (June 19-26, 2020)

In addition to a host of craft and hobby workshops, Olds College is offering the following production related courses during Fibre Week, July 5 – 11, 2019.For more information and to register, visit the Fibre Week website.  

2019 Fleece Show Results 

Judge - Jayne Deardorff - Colville, Washington


Blue Hills Fibre Festival, Brandon, MB 
June 8, 2019 Fleece Competition results:

Grand Champion

  • Margaret Brook, Winnipeg, MB - Shetland

Reserve Champion

  • Gerry Oliver, Carberry MB - Texel 

Fine Wool - White 

  1. Gerry Oliver, Carberry, MB - Ile de France x Polypay 
  2. Graham Rannie, Binscarth, MB - Rambouillet
  3. Graham Rannie, Binscarth, MB - Rambouillet

Medium Wool - White

  1. Gerry Oliver, Carberry, MB - Texel
  2. Graham Rannie, Binscarth, MB - Rambouillet x Border Cheviot

Medium Wool - Coloured     

  1. Graham Rannie, Binscarth, MB - Merino X
  2. Graham Rannie, Binscarth, MB - Merino X

Specialty Wool 

  1. Margaret Brook, Winnipeg, MB - Shetland
  2. Margaret Brook, Winnipeg, MB - Shetland
  3. Margaret Brook, Winnipeg, MB - Shetland


  • Brian Greaves & Kathleen Martin


Blue Hills Fibre Festival, Carberry, MB 
June 19, 2018 Fleece Competition results:

Fine Wool White 

  1. Graham Rannie- Rambouillet
  2. Graham Rannie- Rambouillet
  3. Graham Rannie - Merino X

Medium Wool 

  1. Graham Rannie - Cheviot
  2. Reuben Neumier - NCC
  3. Diana Neuman - Dorset

Long Wool     

  1. Gerry Oliver - Wensleydale x Cotswold/Texel 
  2. Gerry Oliver - Wensleydale x Romney/Polypay 
  3. Gerry Oliver - Wensleydale x Cotswold/Texel

Specialty Wool 

  1. Barb Mulock - Shetland
  2. Barb Mulock - Shetland
  3. Barb Mulock - Shetland

Grand Champion

  • Gerry Oliver - Wensleydale x Cotswold/Texel 

Reserve Champion

  • Barb Mulock - Shetland


  • Susie Gourlay, Regina, SK


2017 Royal Agricultural Winter Fair

Fleece Competition results for 2017

2017 Royal Winter Fair Fleece Competition

Manitoba Fibrefest Fleece Competition

September 15, 16, 2017
Judge – Val Fiddler, Webb, SK
Grand Champion
G. Oliver – Wensleydale Coloured
Reserve Champion 
G. Oliver – Romney x Polypay – White
Fine Wool White
1. Brian Greaves, Miniota, MB – Ile de France x Polypay
2. Brian Greaves, Miniota, MB – Ile de France x Polypay
3. Brian Greaves, Miniota, MB – Ile de France x Polypay
Longwool White
1. G. Oliver, Carberry, MB – Romney x Polypay
2. G. Oliver, Carberry, MB – Wensleydale x Polypay
3. G. Oliver, Carberry, MB – Cotswold x Cotswold / Suffolk
Longwool Coloured
1. G. Oliver, Carberry, MB – Wensleydale
2. G. Oliver, Carberry, MB – Wensleydale x Romney/Texel
Specialty White
1. Tammy Ivanco – Shetland
Specialty Coloured
1. Linda Glowacki, Beasejour, MB – Shetland
2. Linda Glowacki, Beausejour, MB – Shetland
3. Linda Glowacki, Beausejour, MB – Shetland
Angora Goat
1. Terra Dionne, Saskatoon, SK
2. Terra Dionne, Saskatoon, SK


Custom Woolen Mills  - Alberta Wool Fleece Show and Sale 2017
Fibre Week, Olds, AB

Grand Champion White 
Inga Cernevska, High Prairie, AB (BFL x Romney/Merino)

Reserve Champion White
Gerry Oliver, Carberry, MB (Wensleydale)

Grand Champion Coloured
Gerry Oliver, Carberry, MB (Wensleydale)

Reserve Champion Coloured
Gerry Oliver, Carberry, MB (Cotswold)

Fine - White 

1st – Inga Cernevska, High Prairie, AB (Rambouillet)
2nd – Inga Cernevska, High Prairie, AB (BFL)
3rd – Gerry Oliver, Carberry, MB (Polypay x Ile de France)

Medium - White

1st - Jodi Gingras, Langden, AB (Dorset)
2nd – Lynne Anderson, Tappen, BC (Shropshire)
3rd – Jodi Gingras, Langden, AB (Suffolk)

Longwool - White 

1st – Inga Cernevska, High Prairie, AB (BFL x Romney/Merino)
2nd – Gerry Oliver, Carberry, MB (Wensleydale)
3rd – Gerry Oliver – Wensleydale x Polypay)

Fine - Coloured 

1st – Kammy Johnson, Helena, MT (Rambouillet)
2nd – Kammy Johnson, Helena, MT (Rambouillet)
3rd – Kammy Johnson, Helena, MT (Rambouillet)

Medium - Coloured  

1st – Linda Toews, Bowden, AB (Jacob x)
2nd – Lena Toews, Bowden, AB (Suffolk x NCC)
3rd – Jodi Gingras, Langden, AB (Suffolk)

Longwool - Coloured 

1st – Gerry Oliver, Carberry, MB (Wensleydale)
2nd – Gerry Oliver, Carberry, MB (Cotswold)
3rd – Gerry Oliver, Carberry, MB (Romney)

Specialty - Coloured  

1st – Kim Stretting, New Norway, AB (Icelandic)
2nd – Kim Stretting, New Norway, AB (Icelandic)
3rd – Linda Toews, Bowden, AB (Jacob)

CVM/Romeldale - Coloured

1st- Lynn Anderson, Tappen, BC (CVM)
2nd – Lynn Anderson, Tappen, BC (Romeldale)
3rd – Sonja Gregg/Bruce Husband, Salmon Arm, BC (CVM)

Judge – Val Fiddler, Webb, SK
Show Coordinator -  Linda Toews
Sponsor – Custom Woolen Mills, Carstairs, AB

Blue Hills Fibre Festival, Carberry, MB 
June 10, 2017 Fleece Competition results:

Fine Wool White 

1  Gerry Oliver - Polypay
2  Diana Neuman - Dorset

Medium Wool 

1  Gerry Oliver - Texel
2  Sherri Beiganski - Dorset

Long Wool     

1  Gerry Oliver - 3/4 Wensleydale x  1/4 Romney coloured
2  Gerry Oliver - Cotswold x Romney/Texel  white
3  Diana Neuman - BFL x
4  Wayne Hofer - Wensleydale x Romney/Texel coloured
5  Wayne Hofer - Wensleydale x Romney/Texel white

Specialty Wool 

Barb Mulock - Shetland

Grand Champion
Gerry Oliver - 3/4 Wensleydale x 1/4 Romney

Reserve Champion
Barb Mulock - Shetland

Susie Gourlay, Regina, SK


Norwood Fair Fleece Competition & 4H Show - October 9th, 2016


Download the prize list 


2015 Olds College Fibre Week


Judge: Susie Gourlay

GRAND CHAMPION - WHITE - Gerry Oliver  - Wensleydale

RESERVE CHAMPION - WHITE - Gerry Oliver - Cotswold

GRAND CHAMPION - COLOURED - Linda Wendelboe - Shetland

RESERVE CHAMPION - COLOURED - Gerry Oliver - Wensleydale

SPINNER’S CHOICE - WHITE - Sharon Kirschbaum - Cormo

SPINNER’S CHOICE - COLOURED - Gerry Oliver - Wensleydale


1st Gerry Oliver - Polypay / Romney
2nd Sharon Kirschbaum - Cormo
3rd Sheri Bieganski - Dorset


1st Gerry Oliver -Texel
2nd Sheri Bieganski - Dorset
3rd Sheri Bieganski - Dorset


1st Gerry Oliver - Wensleydale
2nd Gerry Oliver - Cotswold
3rd James Nyburg - Blue-Faced Leicester


1st Linda Wendelboe –Shetland
2nd Linda Wendelboe -Shetland
3rd Linda Wendelboe –Shetland


1st Kirsten Tittemore –Blue-faced Leicester / Canadian Arcott 
2nd Linda Wendelboe- Shetland
3rd Linda Toews –Suffolk/North Country Cheviot Lamb


1st Gerry Oliver -Wensleydale
2nd Ruth Zimmerman -Gotland
3rd Kirsten Tittemore –Blue-Faced Leicester


1st Linda Toews –Cotswold / Jacob
2nd Linda Toews –Jacob-3/4 / Cotswold –1/4
3rd Linda Toews –Jacob / Suffolk / North Country Cheviot


1st Linda Toews –lilac Jacob 
2nd Lena Toews–black Jacob
3rd Linda Toews –black Jacob


Manitoba Fibre Festival Oct 3, 2015


Gathering our community of farmers and artisans to share resources, skills, and the joys of creating with fibre. Join us!

Mark your calendars, friends. The Third Annual Manitoba Fibre Festival has a new date and a new venue! Friday evening October 2, 5:00 - 9:00 pm  and Saturday October 3, 2015, 10:00 am - 4:00 pm at the Red River Exhibition Park 3977 Portage Avenue.

The fleece competition turned into a national event, with 29 entries from as far east as Nova Scotia, and included Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba and Saskatchewan. Some very unusual fleeces were also shown including Tunis, Soay, Black Welsh Mountain, Lincoln, Icelandic and Wensleydale, and both white and coloured. Judge for the event was Susie Gourlay from Regina, SK.

Judge: Susie Gourlay

Fine Wool:

Champion - Brian Greaves, Miniota, MB - Targhee
2nd - Graham Rannie, Binscarth, MB - Rambouillet
3rd - Bernadette Doakes, Piapot, SK - Targhee

Long Wool: White

Champion - Gerry Oliver, Carberry, MB - Wensleydale X lamb
2nd - Gerry Oliver, Carberry, MB - Wensleydale
3rd - Gerry Oliver, Carberry, MB - Wensleydale

Long Wool: Coloured

Champion - Gerry Oliver, Carberry, MB- Wensleydale X
2nd - Gerry Oliver, Carberry, MB- Wensleydale/Romney
3rd - Gerry Oliver, Carberry, MB- Romney

Medium Wool: White

Champion - Kaitlin Hamill, Wawanesa, MB - Rideau Arcott X
2nd - Elwood Quinn, Quebec - Horned Dorset x Shetland
3rd - Mark Comfort, Brockville, ON - Tunis

Medium Wool: Coloured

Champion - Bernadette Doakes, Piapot, SK - Black Welsh Mountain

Specialty Wool:

Champion- Linda Glowacki, Beausejour, MB - Shetland
2nd - Garry James, Brandon, MB - Icelandic
3rd - Adam Mastine-Frost, Kingsey Falls, QC - Soay

Supreme Champion: Gerry Oliver, Carberry, MB - Coloured Wensleydale X

Reserve Champion: Gerry Oliver, Carberry, MB - Coloured Romney

Spinners Choice: White Wool - Kaitlin Hamill, Wawanesa, MB - Targhee X 

Long Wool - Gerry Oliver, Carberry, MB - Wensleydale X

Prize money for the fleece classes was donated by the Canadian Cooperative Wool Growers and the Spinners Choice prizes were donated by Susie Gourlay. Thank you to all who competed and congratulations to the winners.

3rd Annual Eastern Canadian Sheep Shearing Competition takes place at the Holstein Rodeo on July 12, 2014

Over $7000 in prize money
Starting time 9 am, finals will be held in the evening
Early bird registration before June 1
Don Metheral 705-466-2568|
Wayne Orr 519-334-3751


Fleece Competition NS 2010 - NS Provincial Exhibition Fleece & Wool Competition 2010

Truro, Nova Scotia  -  August 25 - 28, 2010
Nova Scotia Provincial Exhibition 4th Annual Fleece & Wool Competition display
Crystal Fullerton & son demonstrating wool crafts (spinning, needle felting)
The top two fleeces were:

Champion:  Icelandic (ram) entered by Anne Bishop & Jan Morrell,  Mt. Denson, NS

Reserve Champion:  coloured Romney (ewe) entered by Logan Vroegh (age 11), East Noel, NS


Golden Shears World Championship 2008 

This was the first year that the competitions were held in a non-English speaking country. Competitors from 29 countries have entered this year to compete in the Golden Shears World Championship, which is more than ever before.

A total of 52 machine shearers, 23 blade shearers and 28 wool handlers competed in Bjerkreim, Norway from October 2nd to 5th, 2008. Congratulations to all who competed!

The Canadian Team

Maria Stiglmayr made it to the semi-finals to place 9th in the Wool Handling Competition.

Cliff Metheral placed 29th and Don Metheral placed 18th in the Machine Shearing Competitions.

Maria Stiglmayr

Wool handling
Nation: Canada
Hometown: Fraserwood, MB
Achievements: Prefers shearing to wool handling & she won the Intermediate Class at the Calgary Stampede 2008

Clifford C. Metheral

Machine shearing
Nation: Canada
Hometown: Nakomis, SK
Birth: June 17th, 1953
Married to Kathy
Achievements: Cliff has been in 4 world championships starting in 1980. He won at the Calgary Stampede as well also 2004 World Sheep & Wool Congress & Toronto Royal Winter Fair.

Don Metheral

Machine shearing
Nation: Canada
Hometown: Glen Huron, ON
Birth: July 3rd 1969
Married to Kelly, 3 children.
Achievements: Has won the Calgary Stampede 3 times, the Royal Winter fair in Toronto twice also another first place in Miles City, Montana, USA. He has also placed 2nd and 3rd at the Denver Stock Show and at other various competitions.

Golden Shears World Champions 2008

World Champion Machine Shearing: Paul Avery of New Zealand

World Champion Wool Handling : Sheree Alabaster of New Zealand

World Champion Blade Shearing : Zweliwile Hans of South Africa