2023 CCWG
Livestock Supplies Catalogue &
Wool Growers Magazine
We will not be publishing a 2024 issue of the Catalogue.
Wish to advertise? Download the PDF for catalogue ad rates. Deadline for emailing print ready ads is October 31.
If you don't see something that you want, just give us a call to see if it is in stock or we can try to special order it for you.
Send us an email with your name and full mailing address if you would like to receive a printed copy in the mail.
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Prices are subject to change without notice.
Browse by section
Managers / Staff / Director listings, Index, Branch & Agent Locations, Order Form
Les membres du personnel, Index, Les succursales et chez les agents, Bon de commande
Featured, Lambing, Dewormers, Pharmaceuticals, Veterinary, Hoof Care, Marking & ID, Shearing / Clipping, Show Supplies, Workwear, Poultry.
Produits vedettes, Fournitures d’agnelage, Contrôle parasitaire , Pharmaceutiques, Instruments véterinaires, Soins des sabots, Marquage et ID, La Tonte, Fournitures d’exposition, Vêtements, Volaille
Marweld, Handling
Équipement de manutention
Feeding/Watering, Cattle, Equine, Fencing, Library
Alimentation et eau, Bétail, Équin, Fournitures de clôture, La bibliothèque
Men's & ladies fashions, bedding, yarns & crafts
Mode homme et femme, literie, fils et artisanat
The Woolen Sections
Woolen Mills - Commercial & cottage industry / Industrie commerciale et artisananle
Wool Pack - Editorials, news & articles of interest, In Memoriam / Editoriaux, Nouvelles et articles d'intérêt, En mémoire
Wool Shed - Shearers / Tondeurs, Wool Depots / Dépôts de collecte