Ontario Sheep Farmers 2019 Photo Contest

Written by CCWG Friday, April 12, 2019

2019 Ontario Sheep Farmers Photo Contest 

Entries are now being accepted for the 2019 Ontario Sheep photo contest. Contest is open to everyone. You do not have to be a member of Ontario Sheep Farmers to be eligilbe to enter. Deadline for entries is Sept 13, 2019.

If you've got an eye for capturing great moments in a photo this contest is for you.

They are looking for photos of your flocks, activities around your sheep farm and you, the Ontario sheep farmer. 


  • Flock Shots - a min of 20 sheep
  • Around the sheep farm - farm landscapes, barns, pastures, sheering
  • Sheep Farmers -  farmers at work, family
  • All about wool - working with wool

Click on poster for more details or email Ontario Sheep Farmers: [email protected] 

2019 Ontario Sheep Farmers photo contest

CCWG 100th Annual Report

Written by CCWG Friday, December 14, 2018

CCWG Shareholders can download the 2018 Annual Report.

Just click the picture or link below.

The CCWG Shareholder dividend cheques and the Shareholder Wool Shipper Loyalty Reward Program Coupons are now in the mail.

2018 Annual Report for Shareholders

100th Annual Report


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Allan Ribbink elected Canadian Sheep Federation Chairman of the Board

Written by CSF Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Allan Ribbink elected Canadian Sheep Federation Chairman of the Board

December 1, 2018 – Calgary, Alberta

The Canadian Sheep Federation (CSF) is pleased to announce the election of Allan Ribbink as Chairman of the Board at the 2018 Annual General Meeting.

Allan Ribbink, along with his wife Marlene and their son Cody operate a sheep and cash crop farm in Tiverton, Ontario. Their daughter Cailey works off the farm. The Ribbink’s have been involved in Canada’s sheep industry since 1979. “I look forward to working with the CSF Board and staff implementing the organization’s new strategic plan, focused on unifying the industry and helping improve results for the entire value chain” said Mr. Ribbink following the adjournment of the CSF’s 2018 Annual General Meeting.

The CSF Executive Committee has a number of newly elected members this year including Morgan Moore (MB) as Vice-Chair, Liezel Kennedy (SK) as Secretary and Sheri Schweb (BC) as...

CCWG Wool Industry News & 100th AGM

Written by CCWG Monday, November 12, 2018

CCWG Wool Industry News

The CCWG recently held Management and Board of Director meetings at the 100th Annual General Meeting in Carleton Place & Almonte, Ontario on October 18th – 20th, 2018
The 2018 elected Board of Directors are as follows:
Executive Committee
President - David Mastine, St. Felix de Kingsey, QC
1st Vice President - Lee E. Sexton, Hanley, SK
2nd Vice President - Allan E. Ribbink, Tiverton, ON
- Roma H. Tingle, Prince George, BC

Additional Directors on the Board are as follows:
Warren L. Moore, Stavely, AB (Audit Committee)
Ward Harden, Fir Mountain, SK  (Audit Committee)
Ruth Mathewson, Central North River, NS (Audit Committee)
Gary J. Fox, Bloomfield, ON
Brian W. Greaves, Miniota, MB

For the fiscal year ending February 28, 2018 the co-operative recorded gross sales of almost 10.4 million which represents an increase of 2.5% from the previous year.  Net income of $425,599 from all business operations was...

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CCWG Wool Market and Business Update Fall 2018

Written by CCWG Monday, October 29, 2018

CCWG Wool Market and Business Update – Fall 2018
2017/18 Wool Market Update

Read full Market Report for 2018

In the last 12 months fine wools from all origins have achieved unprecedented record prices although at the time of this writing prices have pulled back for most microns in the last couple of weeks.  Unfortunately the crossbred and broader wools which are much more plentiful in supply have been left behind for the most part and have only recorded marginal increases compared to the previous year.

The growth in fine wool prices can be attributed to two main factors.  There is major concern regarding future available supply due mainly to ongoing Australian drought in most of the major wool producing states.  This has resulted in decreased production ie lower fleece weights due to feed shortages and reduced sheep numbers.  For the 2018/19 season it does not look any better with the current forecast of a 5.7% reduction in the Australian wool clip.

As always, China is playing a major role in influencing the market due to the...

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Promotions at the Carleton Place Wool Grading Warehouse

Written by CCWG Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Following the recent retirement of James McNeely, Carleton Place Wool Superintendent, the following promotions at the Carleton Place Wool Grading Warehouse become effective today October 24, 2018.

Nathan Pappas-Barabe & Patrick Lamothe will work together and assume equal responsibilities as wool graders and warehouse supervisors. Daily wool grading will be completed on a rotating basis by each grader.

The warehouse staff supervisor duties will include overseeing logistics’ such as shipping, receiving, lot sorting, wool coring, health and safety etc. All warehouse wool grading staff will report directly to Nathan and Pat.

Promotions à l'entrepôt de classement de la laine de Carleton Place

À la suite du récent départ à la retraite de James McNeely, contrôleur en chef de la laine à Carleton Place, les promotions suivantes à l'entrepôt de classement de la laine de Carleton Place entrent en vigueur aujourd'hui le 24 octobre 2018.

Nathan Pappas-Barabe et Patrick Lamothe vont travailler ensemble et assumer des responsabilités égales en tant...

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